Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT) Results
The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) was monitoring the October 30, 2016 second round of Parliamentary Elections in 50 majoritarian districts across Georgia. ISFED Observation Mission consisted of approximately 700 accredited and trained observers. Among them, over 600 short-term observers (STOs) at Precinct Election Commissions (PECs); 43 District Election Commission (DEC) observers; and 40 mobile teams. ISFED had observers at all polling stations in four majoritarian districts: #36 Marneuli; #44 Akhaltsikhe-Adigeni; #49 Kutaisi; and #66 Zugdidi. PVT and Incident Centers operated at the Central Office during 24 hours.
ISFED observation of the second round of parliamentary elections was based on the Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT) methodology, which allows assessment of the entire Election Day process. PVT observation delivers accurate and timely information regarding voting and counting processes.
Key Conclusions
In the process of vote count ISFED observers detected significant violations on some precincts, including cases of differences between the number of ballots and number of voter signatures; a few cases of improper filling or correction of summary protocols; a case where major violation of the secrecy of ballot papers was detected at one precinct.
In complaints filed about these facts, ISFED has requested recount of ballot papers and annulment of the results at one precinct. Based on PVT results, we can state that while these violations during vote count were important, they were isolated cases and were not systematic, therefore they could not have had substantial influence on the majoritarian election results.
PVT findings on the Counting Process
Final turnout was 37.6% (with a margin of error of +/-0.9%), that is lower than the first round of parliamentary election when turnout was 52.9% (with a margin of error +/- 0.9%).
In 99.8% of polling stations the counting process was without any major incidents, which is not statistically significantly different from the first round of parliamentary elections (97.9%).
None of the precincts had unauthorized persons present during the counting process, which is not statistically significantly different from the first round of parliamentary elections. (99.9%)
In 0.7% of polling stations, during the vote count, observers did not have a possibility to view each ballot paper and information indicated on it.
In 89.2% of polling stations representatives of Georgian Dream were present, UNM representatives were present in 79.9% of PECs. In the first round of parliamentary elections Georgian Dream had representatives at 89.1% of precincts and UNM representatives were at 87.6% of polling stations.

Results for the Majoritarian Elections
ISFED has received reports from 100% of PVT observers from all polling stations in four majoritarian districts: #36 Marneuli; #44 Akhaltsikhe-Adigeni; #49 Kutaisi; and #66 Zugdidi.
Marneuli #36 Majoritarian District
• #43 Tamaz Naveriani – Georgian Dream –Democratic Georgia - 72.27%
• #5 Akmamed Imamkuliev – United National Movement - 27.73%
Akhaltsikhe-Adigeni #44 Majoritarian District
• #41 Giorgi Kopadze – Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia - 69.83%
• #5 Vazha Chitashvili – United National Movement - 30.17%
Kutaisi #49 Majoritarian District
• #43 Koba Narchemashvili - Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia - 67.33%
• #5 Giorgi Tsereteli - United National Movement - 32.67%
Zugdidi #66 Majoritarian District
• #41 Edisher Toloraia - Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia - 71.09%
• #5 Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs - United National Movement - 28.91 %
Violations Identified During the Vote Count
Signatures more than ballot papers
• At the polling station #3 of the majoritarian district #60 (Chokhatauri) the number of signatures on the voters list exceeded the number of ballot papers by 148.
Ballot papers more than signatures
• At the polling station #68 of the majoritarian district #36 (Marneuli) the number of ballot papers exceeded the number of signatures on the voters list by two.
• At the polling station #22 of the majoritarian district #65 (Zugdidi) the number of ballot papers exceeded the number of signatures on the voters list by one.
• At the polling station #37 of the majoritarian district #23 (Sagarejo) the number of ballot papers handed out by the registrar exceeds the number of signatures on the voters list by two.
Improper filling of summary protocols
• At the polling station #98 of the majoritarian district #68 (Batumi) the field indicating number of received ballot papers is corrected without the adequate correction protocol;
• At the polling station #30 of the majoritarian district #39 (Kaspi) the number of the annulled ballot papers is not included in the summary protocol.
Failure to validate ballot papers
• At the polling station #30 of the majoritarian district #44 (Akhaltsikhe), 12 ballot papers were not properly validated through signature by the registrar. One of such ballot papers did not bear the stamped either. In 11 of such ballot papers vote was cast in favor of UNM and in once case – vote was cast in favor of the Georgian Dream.
• At the polling station #98 of the majoritarian district #49 (Kutaisi) vote count procedure revealed that 9 ballot papers were not properly validated with a signature and a stamp by the registrar. In 6 of such ballot papers, the vote was in favor of the Georgian Dream and in 3 cases - vote was cast in favor of the UNM.
Violation of the secrecy of ballot paper
• At the polling station #72 of the majoritarian district #66 (Zugdidi) substantial violation of the secrecy of vote was detected during the vote count. In 35 envelopes, voter invitation cards were placed along with ballot papers, making it possible to identify the voters and their votes. One of the ballot papers also had a note, confirming the fact of voting in favor of one of the candidate. In the above-mentioned ballot papers the citizens had voted in favor of the Georgian Dream. ISFED has filed complaint at the DEC requesting annulment of the results of this precinct.
Improper sealing of the materials
• At the polling station #29 of the majoritarian district #7 (Krtsanisi) commission stamp was not properly sealed.
• At the polling stations #7 and #9 of the majoritarian district #7 (Krtsanisi) the record book was not sealed.
• At the polling station #23 of the majoritarian district #7 (Krtsanisi) the spoiled ballot papers were not properly sealed as required by law.
Inadequate handling of electoral documentation
• The registration book from the polling station #23 of the majoritarian district #23 (Sagarejo) was not delivered to the DEC.
Control sheet matching problem
• At the polling station #3 of the majoritarian district #72 (Khelvachauri) main ballot box control sheet did not correspond to the control sheet saved with the PEC chairperson.
As of now, ISFED observers have filed 37 complaints with PECs and 55 complaints with DECs. ISFED observers have made 61 entries in the record book.
Throughout the day, ISFED observers reported information to the Data Analysis Center in Tbilisi via SMS and/or phone calls. The Data Analysis Center was comprised of 10 data operators, 10 lawyers, and the staff of the Central Office. ISFED has built a sophisticated PVT database that processes observers’ text messages. All observer data undergoes several quality control tests and, once those tests are passed, the data is analyzed and incorporated into ISFED’s findings and conclusions.
ISFED Observation Mission is made possible with the generous support from the American people, by financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Runoff Election Day mission is also supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia, and the European Union (EU). The views expressed in this statement belong solely to the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy and may not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, or the European Union.