2020 Parliamentary Elections

Statement of ISFED on irregularities identified by 15:00

International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) has been monitoring the second round of the parliamentary elections in 17 majoritarian districts through 35 mobile groups.

ISFED observers have reported very low voter turnout. In light of this, at majority of polling stations ruling party coordinators are mobilized, mostly sitting in minibuses, cars or gathered outside of polling stations, recording voters.

ISFED observers have found: 1 case of possible vote buying; 1 case of multiple voting; 2 cases of interference with activities of observers.


At this time, observers have identified the following violations:

Outside of election precinct #2 of Mtskheta election district #27, GD coordinators are mobilized. One of them gave money to a voter that exited the polling station. Coordinators left the territory after they saw the observer.

Coordinators mobilized outside of election precinct #6 of Mtskheta election district #27 expressed aggression toward ISFED observer, who was taking a photo outside the polling station.

At public school no.39 of Gldani election district #10, where election precincts #79, #80 and #81 are located, an unidentified man expressed aggression toward ISFED observer, who was taking a photo outside the polling station. At the same place, another man behaved aggressively toward Formula TV journalist, who was filming. These individuals left the polling station premises.

At polling station #22 of Lagodekhi election district #15, ISFED observer identified the problem of multiple voting by same individuals (so-called „carousel“). Individuals mobilized outside of polling stations are taken by PEC chairperson and commission members inside the polling station one by one and allowed to vote multiple times. Inking is not checked by the PEC member who is responsible for regulating voters flow. PEC member got the special lamp for ink detection after the observer asked her about it.

Outside election precincts #21 and #35 of Lagodekhi election district #15, mobilization of voters was found. Commission members are approaching them and talking to them. In addition, commission members at the election precinct #35 are not fulfilling their functions and the procedural irregularities are evident during the voting process. In particular, the ballot box and other documents are left unattended.

Outside election precincts #07, #11, #17, #21, #22, #54, #58, #66, 68, #69 and #104 of Batumi Election District #79, party coordinators in mini buses are recording voters.

At election precincts #87 and #21 of Zugdidi election district #67, outside perimeter is controlled by unauthorized individuals, who were freely moving at the premises of election precinct #21, also without accreditation.

At election precincts #52, #14, #15, #48, #23, #8, #28, #11, #13 and #17 of Telavi election district #17;election precinct #28 of Akhmeta election district #18; election precincts #01, #02, #03, #04 and #29 of Kvareli election district #16; election precincts #01, #08 and #31 of Tkibuli election district #56; election precincts #15 and #90 of Kutaisi election district #59; election precincts #10, #27 and #23 of Zestaponielection district #51; election precincts #09, #10, #12, #4, #26, #27 and #23 of Baghdati election district #52; election precincts #1, #2, #3 and #4 of election district of Krtsanisi election district #4; election precincts #79, #80 and #81 of Gldani election district #10; election precincts 31, #35, #36, #42, #44, #45 and #46 of Samgorielection district #6, party coordinators are mobilized and they are recording voters.