Elections In Europe: What the Eastern Neighborhood Should Expect
Elections In Europe: What the Eastern Neighborhood Should Expect by ISFED on Scribd
Elections In Europe: What the Eastern Neighborhood Should Expect by ISFED on Scribd
Arguments in Favor of the Directly Elected President by ISFED on Scribd
Defining the Notion of Marriage: European Standards and Georgian Challenges by ISFED on Scribd
The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary addresses the twentieth Judicial Conference held on extraordinary basis, which is supposed to elect two new members of the High Council of Justice. The Coalition is closely ...
The Coalition addresses the judicial selection competition that the High Council of Justice (HCOJ) initiated on February 17 to fill 84 vacancies. Applications have already been reviewed and 105 candidates were selected for interviews. The HCO ...
In the recent Rustavi 2 case, the quality of the court’s handling of the case, the procedural problems and questions raised at each stage of the case, and the suspension of enforcement of the Supreme Court’s decision by the European Court of H ...
უკანასკნელ პერიოდში ტელეკომპანია „რუსთავი 2”-ის საქმის სასამართლო განხილვის ხარისხმა, პროცედურულმა ხარვეზებმა და თითოეულ ეტაპზე გაჩენილმა კითხვებმა, ისევე როგორც ადამიანის უფლებათა ევროპული სასამართლოს მიერ უზენაესი სასამართლოს გადაწყვეტილების აღსრ ...
We would like to respond to a legislative package presented by the Georgian Dream majority to the Constitutional Commission. The package proposes abolishment of the majoritarian component of the electoral system but it does not ensure proporti ...