
Report of Evaluation of the Commission for Studying Politically Motivated Dismissals of Employees of Territorial Agencies of the Ministry of Education

 Considering the issues discussed in this report and final results of the Commission8, it is safe to conclude that the Commission was able to successfully deal with its large-scale, complex and unprecedented task. Therefore, we believe that the decision to set up the Commission was reasonable.

In light of the experience, we developed several recommendations for consideration in creation of a similar institution. However, we also hope that there will be no need to create such agency in a country that strives to be fully democratic:

> Staffing of the Commission should be carried out in consideration of objectiveness and qualification of potential members;

> The Commission should be free from any kind of political influence;

> It should have a high degree of independence and no ties (structural or financial) with any public agency;

> We recommend that its members work full time;

> Work of the Commission should be transparent and any type of information about its activities should be available to public.

Report of Evaluation