
Consolidating the Efforts of Civil Society Organizations in Fighting Political Corruption in the EaP Countries

Partner Organizations: Promo-LEX Association, Committee of Voters of Ukraine (CVU)

Duration: May 1, 2016 – October 31, 2016

Budget: 24,991 Euro (ISFED – 5 220 Euro)

Project Objectives are:

• To foster cross-border cooperation and communication between civil society organizations in thefield of fighting political corruption through joint initiatives and advocacy activities run in the EaP countries;

• To strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations in monitoring political parties and election campaign funding in the EaP countries by closer interaction, communication and exchange of experience between election observation organizations.

Project Activities:

• Comparative and comprehensive assessment of the potential of the current laws on elections and political parties to fight political corruption in the EaP countries;

• Informational and advocacy workshops;

•  Summer camp on combating political corruption;

• Study visit in Georgia with focus on country’s experience in monitoring of political party and election campaign financing.