
Electronic technologies in elections

The study discusses the introduction of modern technologies - voter authentication/identification in Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and Albania and evaluates its functionality and results. The practices of some states (Netherlands, Germany, Ireland) that terminated using the electronic voting and counting systems were also investigated. In addition, based on the experience of Estonia, the internet voting (I-Voting) is analyzed, as well as the example of Norway, which stopped using the mentioned method. Finally, the case of Lithuania is studied, which plans to digitize the electoral system and introduce I-Voting in the near future.  

Within the framework of the study, the advantages and disadvantages of the new electoral system are analyzed on the example of each country, as well as the opportunities and challenges associated with new voting technologies are discussed. For the study purposes, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy conducted interviews with politicians, members of the Central Election Commissions, civil society representatives and information technology experts of different countries.