This Affects You Too Campaign responds to the Prime Minister
Civil society organizations campaigning against illegal surveillance would like to respond to the allegations voiced by the Prime Minister on 20 November 2014. Mr. Prime Minister, ...
Civil society organizations campaigning against illegal surveillance would like to respond to the allegations voiced by the Prime Minister on 20 November 2014. Mr. Prime Minister, ...
Civil society organizations involved in the "This Affects You Too: They Are Still Listening" campaign are alarmed by the attitude that Georgian Parliament has taken towards addressing the issue of direct access to secret wiretapping. Parl ...
We are closely following the latest political developments in our country. The investigation process initiated by the Prosecutor’s Office against the Ministry of Defense officials and the charges against them were followed by a statement of th ...
On October 29-30, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) held roundtable discussions in Borjomi and Akhaltsikhe. In Borjomi participants included members of Sakrebulo and Gamgeoba employees, ...
On October 31, the President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili announced his decision to veto the amendments to the Law of Georgia on Electronic Communications adopted by the Parliament the day before. President Margvelashvili sent his s ...
We, non-governmental organizations united under “This Affects You – They Are Still Listening” campaign, find the decision to postpone the effect of new regulations on secret surveillance to be totally unacceptable. “Failure of the working grou ...
We would like to respond to the interview given by the Deputy State Minister of Georgia on Diaspora Issues to the Kviris Palitra newspaper on October 25.[1] The interview contains apparent hate speech towards the head of NGO Identoba, Irakli V ...
Address of Member organizations of the civil platform No to Phobia To the government of Georgia, political, religious and civil institutions, and media regarding a joint respo ...